Kilsby is a bird-watchers paradise with many varied resident species as well as a number of notable summer visitors. Secluded garden seating and strategically situated feeding stations and nesting boxes allow visitors to view many different bird species in comfort and within close proximity to the house and cottage. Resident species include woodpeckers, nuthatch, yellowhammer, siskin, chafinch, green-finch, tree-creepers, dunnock, thrushes, gold-crest and a variety of tits amongst others. Summer visitors include redstart and both pied and spotted fly-catchers which nest close to the house as do house-martins. In addition to the garden birds various raptor species such as red kites, buzzards, goshawks and peregrine falcons are frequently seen soaring overhead. The harsh call of ravens is a common sound as is the shriek of tawny owls within the garden as night falls. The distinctive call of cuckoos both near and far heralds the spring.